Victory does not come to those faint of heart, not true Victory. Many may still succeed in their pursuits when choosing an ignoble path or taking short cuts, but for true Victory to be gained, there must be great effort involved, right action, and nobility of character. Every day we must strive to be Victorious in all that we do by approaching the day's obstacles with right action in the forefront of our mind. Cheating, cutting corners, or deceiving may get you what you want, but at the cost of our Nobility, Integrity, and Honor. That is not Victory, that is weak, miserly, and unbecoming of our Folk.
We all face setbacks at time, we all face failures, and upset in life. Without these character-building outcomes from time to time, we cannot appreciate true Victory in our endeavors. True Victory is forged from building on lessons and experience, effort, and Perseverance. With Wisdom and Courage, Victory comes to those that are flexible, bold, and relentless in their Honorable pursuits whether is on the battlefield, raising our children, and everything in-between.
No plan ever survives first contact with the opposition. Victors must be able to adapt, fall back when needed, learn and build off setbacks and unexpected challenges. Learn to lean on your brothers and sisters when things seem overwhelming, cherish those painful uphill battles, for it's those battles that build the foundation for Honorable Victory for yourself and your Folk. When your brother or sister is Victorious, you share that Victory as they do when you reach Victory in a pursuit.
A sword to become a sword is first burned and beaten, shaped and forged in order to become the weapon it was meant to be.
When setbacks occur don't feel sorry for what has happened, let it fuel you to continue to push forward gaining wisdom and strength in the process. Seek Victory in all that you do and don't settle for less. Be relentless in seeking Victory for our Gods, our Folk, and our Church.

Hail the Gods!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!

Goði Nathan Erlandson
~ From The Runestone, August 2024 ~