Goðar of the Asatru Folk Assembly are the religious leaders of our Folk. The position of Gothi or Gythia is one of leadership and service to our church. They inherently bear many responsibilities, such as leading marriage ceremonies, funerary rites, naming ceremonies, land takings, coming of age rites, and other rituals for our community. Goðar also organize Asatru Folk Assembly and community events, assist with the formation of new kindreds, provide counseling services, and educate those not familiar with our tradition. Goðar often engage in many other forms of public service that are generally expected of the Clergy in this day and age. This is not an easy responsibility, but it is an honorable path. As Ordained Clergy, all Asatru Folk Assembly Goðar carry weight in most states and regions, have legal rights, and legal recognition for ceremonies performed and services rendered to their community due to the direct support and association with the AFA, which is a religious, non-profit organization.
Each of our Goðar is contributing member of society and maintains a professional and well-composed demeanor at all times.
The mission of Ásatrú clergy, called Goðar, is to serve the Æsir and to build our church, the Asatru Folk Assembly, in accordance with their will. The Asatru Folk Assembly is constantly evolving towards a more perfect understanding of, and relationship with, the Æsir while maintaining continuity in leadership.
One of the most significant moments in Asatru Folk Assembly history was the passing of the duties and responsibilities of Allsherjargoði from Stephen McNallen to Matthew Flavel at Midsummer of 2016. The role of Allsherjargoði, Old Norse for “Chieftain of All the People”, is to lead the Asatru Folk Assembly as well as tending to the spiritual needs of our Folk and looking out for their interests. The most important role of the Alsherjargoði is to implement the will of the Æsir to the best of his ability.
Matthew D. Flavel
Our Ancestors relied on the counsel of wise Men and Women in all manner of things to ensure things ran smoothly. Similarly, our Alsherjargoði has an advisory council. The Witan and our Lawspeaker are there to help.
As a practicing attorney, our Lawspeaker provides special guidance to the Allsherjargoði.
Allen Turnage
Witan is derived from the Old English “Witangemot” (Meeting of the Wise), nobles who served as an advisory council to the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Today our Witan serve and and advise our Allsherjargoði with their wisdom, expertise, and piety. Together, these fine Folks provide us with outstanding leadership, direction, and purpose.
Clifford Erickson
Svan Herul
Goðar of the Asatru Folk Assembly are the religious leaders of our Folk. The position of Goði or Gyðja is one of leadership and one of service to the Æsir and to our church. They inherently bear many responsibilities, such as leading marriage ceremonies, funerary rites, naming ceremonies, land takings, coming-of-age rites, and other rituals for our community. Among the most important jobs of our Goðar is providing spiritual counselling for our AFA family in their hour of need, when ever that need arises. As ordained clergy, all Asatru Folk Assembly Goðar carry weight in most states and regions, have legal rights, and legal recognition for ceremonies performed and services rendered to their community due to the direct support and association with the AFA, which is a recognized religious, non-profit organization.