Today is the 9th Day of Yule!
Truth is not always pleasant but it is always useful.
Truth, delivered consistently, creates trust. A trusted friend who will give you honest feedback, whether positive or negative is priceless. We owe those we care about honest answers when they seek our counsel. Sometime the trust we have in the honesty of friends and family is the only thing we can cling to in times of uncertainty. Be that trusted source to truth even when that truth is not comfortable. Speaking truth at all times makes your compliments and praise mean so much more than those of a flatterer.
Perhaps the most important display of truth is being truthful to ourselves. Evaluate yourself objectively, in the quiet of solitude, be honest with yourself about your weaknesses and your faults BUT ALSO be honest about your strengths and virtues. Only when we are honest with ourselves about where we are, can we make meaningful progress to where we ought to be.
Hail Týr!
Hail the Æsir!