Today is the 7th Day of Yule!
"Young was I once, I walked alone,
and bewildered seemed in the way;
then I found me another and rich I thought me,
for man is the joy of man." - Hávamál 47
We are social beings. The richness of life is experienced through our interactions with others. In today's world we often find ourselves surrounded by thousands of people but voluntarily isolated and insulated in our own homes and in our own heads. Take the time to engage with others, to enjoy the company of friends and family. Make the effort to gather with your Folk. If you are an AFA member, you have a community, a family, of people who share your values, your heritage, and your religion. This AFA family is spread throughout the United States AND in 11 other countries around Miðgarðr. Engage with your AFA family as fully and as often as you can, your life and our lives will be better for it.
Hail the Family!
Hail the Folk!
Hail the AFA!