Eyvind Kinnrifa
999 ᛦ
Eyvind Kinnrifa was a Norwegian landowner of noble stock, followed and admired by many good men in and around his holdings. He held a reputation for being openly, and relentlessly, Ásatrú, even during a time when it was becoming increasingly dangerous to do so.
As is the case with many of our Days of Remembrance, this one involves the villainous King Olaf Tryggvason, who Christianized his own people with both bribery and deadly force. Raud the Strong, who we honor on January 9th, was one of his many victims.
Eyvind’s story takes place during the year 999 CE, as Olaf the snake was making his rounds of Norway in an attempt to subvert every faithful follower of the Æsir. One man, Harek of Thjotta, had managed to outrun Olaf and his men, escaping to an area near Eyvind Kinnrifa’s lands. He sent word to Eyvind, asking for his help in fighting off a coming invasion from Olaf. Eyvind bravely answered the call, knowing that he was honor-bound to defend the Æsir and all of his Ásatrú subjects with his life.
However, when he arrived at Harek’s location, he was attacked by some of Olaf’s men who had followed Harek without him realizing it. They took Eyvind to Olaf, where Olaf attempted to bribe him many times to renounce his loyalty to the Æsir and embrace the foreign deity of the desert. Eyvind declined all of the gold, silver, and land in the world, because his faith in the Gods of his ancestors meant more to him than mere possessions. When Olaf instead threatened Eyvind, his answer did not change, his will was unbroken and his resolve stronger than steel. The serpent Olaf eventually killed Eyvind, likely in a gruesome manner, but he never wavered in his piety and dedication to the Æsir.
So what can we learn from this story?
Eyvind lived, fought, and died a stalwart Ásatrúar, even when it was deadly to do so. He did not renounce his Gods to fit in, or to make money, or to gain materialistic “glory,” and not even to save his life here in Miðgarðr. Let us all look inward, into our hearts, and ask ourselves if we would have the strength to follow Eyvind’s example. That strength lives in anyone who proudly walks with the Asatru Folk Assembly, and that strength will be with you for as long as you have the courage to carry it forward.
On the 9th of February, as we stop to remember Eyvind Kinrifa and his unwavering faith despite the consequences, take a moment to consider what in your own life is important to you.
Even in these times, when we are living with unparalleled freedom of choice, it can be difficult to choose faith over all else. It is sometimes easier to hide behind the idea of a pseudonym or to keep your faith hidden from those in our lives that should matter. Remember, when you think of Eyvind, what truly matters. Stand strong with and take pride in your Folk and your Gods.
Hail Eyvind Kinnrifa!
Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly!